08.12.2014, 16:02
Hier mal nen Tip aus nem anderen Forum :
Zitat:Free to Play Options[Requires all 6 stars]
Below is what you need:
Wind Pixie(Shannon)
Wind Griffon(Bernard)
Light Bearman(Ahman)
Light Vagabond(Darion) or Wind Sylphid(Acasis)[Free monster due to Hall of Heroes]
5th Member – Wind Bearman(Dagorr) or Water Mystic Witch(Megan) or Wind Grim Reaper(Hiva)
It will be a slow process but you can finish it. The 5th member can also be an offensive type such as wind Grim Reaper. This will clear up the first four stages significantly.
They all need to be 6 stars to make it viable to clear it successfully all the time. Obviously, the team can be tweaked once you have good natural 4-5 star monsters.
Team Composition Breakdown
Bernard – His second skill provides the attack and defense debuff, which is vital in in decreasing the attack damage done to you by the giant. His 3rd skill is a speed buff that will help you clear the stages quicker with a good damage monster.
Shannon – Her third skill provides 3 turn attack and defense buff, allowing you to survive the giant attack with Bernard’s attack debuff. She is squishy though, so she will need hp% runes or substats to survive.
Ahman – The constant heals is needed. Make sure he has 100% crit and max out his hp% runes after.
Darion or Acasis – Both provide damage reduction, with Darion giving 15% damage reduction to allies while Acasis gives shield + reduce critical damage for 3 turns. Acasis has heal as well, making her ideal.
Megan[Not Farmable] – Megan can apply continuous damage on the first skill. She can also prevent the towers from giving the Giant buffs. Plus with her, you will have an extra cushion of not messing up Giant 7 turn counter should you forget to buff sometimes.
Hiva – AoE on his 2nd skill can help you tremendously during the stages. Like Shannon, he is squishy, so make sure you rune him with some Hp% as well coupled with some Attack% runes.
Dagorr – His second skill removes a debuff, which will effectively take away the giant’s defense debuff. He can reduce attack bar, making the towers a lot slower. He is situational, so I would only recommend him if you can’t find anyone else. His leader skill also improves wind monster’s defense by 30%, which works well with the rest of the team.
In case you were wondering how to get these monsters, here are the details:
Ahman – Hall of Light Secret Dungeon(Sunday)
Darion – Hall of Light Secret Dungeon(Sunday)
Hiva – Aiden Forest
Bernard – Tamor Desert
Shannon – Hall of Wind Secret Dungeon(Thursday)
Other Monster Choices for the 5th slot(Not F2P)
Wind Ninja(Orochi) - 1st and 3rd skill gives continuous damage.
Wind Joker(Lushen) – This guy makes life easy for you during the stage and clears much faster. Ignore damage is too good.
Wind Sylph(Shimitae) – Your damage dealer with the 3rd skill slowing the giant. Can give glancing hits as well with the second skill.
Wind Sylphid(Acasis) – If you missed the Hall of Heroes.
I will not include 5 stars since the odds of getting one is too low. Of course, feel free to comment below for additional choices.
5 Star : Dragon Knight, Water Pioneer