30.04.2015, 10:41
Summoners War has been updated to v1.5.7!
Please read below for more info.
* All of the updates will be implemented in the game through the server maintenance. (Android/iOS)
* Please read the Server Maintenance Notice for more info.
v1.5.7 Update Details
Some skill balancing. [More Info]
You can now play Summoners War in 4 Southeast Asian languages! (Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Thai)
Daily Rewards upgraded. (Available starting on May 1st.)
""Sword of the Supreme Sky Wolf"" has been added as Samurai's new skill.
The attacked enemy will be stunned for 1 turn additionally when the bomb blows up.
The increase attack gauge effect of the Fire Vampire's Boiling Blood will be fixed so that it will have no effect on other Fire Vampires.
Game System Modifications
- Fixed the issue with the attack gauge where the increased amount shows differently on different devices.
- The background of the Trial of Ascension Hard Mode has been changed so that it's easier to differentiate from the Normal Mode.
- You'll now get a popup when you start Guild Battle/Arena with an empty attack slot.
- The Defense Guild member's base will be destroyed automatically if the member leaves during a Guild Battle.
- The battle will no longer end automatically (after 30 minutes) if you don't claim victory when you've met the conditions. (You can either continue to attack during the remaining time or claim victory to end the battle.
- The device will vibrate even when you lose in battles.
UI Modifications
- New 1:1 Contact Button
- You can now control the volume of game sounds.
- New Refresh Button added in the Inbox
Game Bug Fixes
- Fixed the error with the remaining value of the shield when the enemy's shield (Rune shield included) is stolen with skills.
- Fixed the problem of the attack gauge not becoming 0 when a skill to make the attack gauge 0 has been used.
- Fixed the error with the remaining attacks on the top of the Guild Battle Member Menu in some situations.
- Fixed typos in skill descriptions of some languages. [More Info]
- [iOS] Fixed the problem of the game crashing when trying to make In-app purchases when In-app purchases has been restricted on the device.
Please read below for more info.
* All of the updates will be implemented in the game through the server maintenance. (Android/iOS)
* Please read the Server Maintenance Notice for more info.
v1.5.7 Update Details
Some skill balancing. [More Info]
You can now play Summoners War in 4 Southeast Asian languages! (Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Thai)
Daily Rewards upgraded. (Available starting on May 1st.)
""Sword of the Supreme Sky Wolf"" has been added as Samurai's new skill.
The attacked enemy will be stunned for 1 turn additionally when the bomb blows up.
The increase attack gauge effect of the Fire Vampire's Boiling Blood will be fixed so that it will have no effect on other Fire Vampires.
Game System Modifications
- Fixed the issue with the attack gauge where the increased amount shows differently on different devices.
- The background of the Trial of Ascension Hard Mode has been changed so that it's easier to differentiate from the Normal Mode.
- You'll now get a popup when you start Guild Battle/Arena with an empty attack slot.
- The Defense Guild member's base will be destroyed automatically if the member leaves during a Guild Battle.
- The battle will no longer end automatically (after 30 minutes) if you don't claim victory when you've met the conditions. (You can either continue to attack during the remaining time or claim victory to end the battle.
- The device will vibrate even when you lose in battles.
UI Modifications
- New 1:1 Contact Button
- You can now control the volume of game sounds.
- New Refresh Button added in the Inbox
Game Bug Fixes
- Fixed the error with the remaining value of the shield when the enemy's shield (Rune shield included) is stolen with skills.
- Fixed the problem of the attack gauge not becoming 0 when a skill to make the attack gauge 0 has been used.
- Fixed the error with the remaining attacks on the top of the Guild Battle Member Menu in some situations.
- Fixed typos in skill descriptions of some languages. [More Info]
- [iOS] Fixed the problem of the game crashing when trying to make In-app purchases when In-app purchases has been restricted on the device.
Ich nenne mich nicht "Storm" weil ich es so toll finde,
sondern weil ich mich dort hinstelle wo kein anderer stehen will,
weil ich das mache was kein anderer machen will,
weil ich das ertragen kann was du wie ein Unwetter ablehnen würdest!
Und dies nur für mein Ego und um mein Selbstbewusstsein ins unermässliche zu steigern.
Ist doch irgendwie verrückt... wie das Wetter manchmal!